As a startup we are very fortunate that the second largest county in the State of Utah is also the most excited about technology adoption. Utah County is home to Silicon Slopes, the Rocky Mountain version of Silicon Valley, where hundreds of bustling new technology startups, and mainstay tech behemoths like Cisco, Adobe, Oracle, and Vivint, call home.

This geographical positioning is motivating the government of Utah County to become the most tech-enabled government organization in the world. We approached Utah County asking if they’d like to beta test the IRIS platform, which they not only agreed to, but they took it one step further and suggested using the IRIS platform in a closed trial to see how it would perform in a real-life scenario.

From zero to hero, just like that.

The outcomes of the closed trials were nothing short of supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (let me just say “you’re welcome” in advance for that video). The closed trial consisted of 19 different government organizations within Utah County using the IRIS platform for their communication and collaboration needs with each other.

These organizations typically talk to each other using a hodge podge of platforms: Slack, Microsoft Teams, Gmail, Outlook, Signal, Facebook messenger, fax machines, land lines, cell phones, Zoom, two tin cans with a fishing line, etc. None of which are optimized for use by local government. This fractured communication architecture leads to a lot of inefficiencies and lost information.

What did we learn? Lots.

By consolidating communications and collaborations into a single, encrypted platform, several astounding results were produced:

1: Less emails. Average office workers receive 121 emails a day, not including spam. By using the IRIS platform, government employees cut their email inbox by 55%.

2: Faster responses. Switching the majority of your communication from email to a real-time, encrypted messaging platform makes things happen faster. IRIS users received responses to their communications 15x faster than compared to emails.

3: Saved time. IRIS users reported that they saved 1.9 hours a day while using the platform.

4: Increased productivity. Using the IRIS platform allows a government organization to realize $13,000 of additional value from each user over the course of a year. That’s like having an additional employee on your team for every four people using IRIS.

If you work in local government and would like to see how IRIS can streamline the communication and collaboration efforts for your office, please send us a message for more information or get started today by clicking below!
