Your cyber security is fine…Comrade (said in Russian accent)

You just discovered that your organization had a huge security breach. Your system is down and terabytes of sensitive information has been digitally copied and spread across multiple world-wide servers. Sensitive data, accounting records, and passwords have been exposed. Your world turned upside down. 

This isn’t an espionage movie starring the infallible Sean Connery. This was an actual security breach that happened to the US government in 2020. Over 18,000 people across hundreds of government organizations were compromised. 

In today’s world the threats of bad actors, whether it’s individuals or nations, successfully hacking networks is on the rise. From 2010 through 2020 the number of cyber crimes reported has increased 300%. It is more important than ever to ensure critical work communications are happening securely and efficiently.

How much is your data worth?

Security breaches can cause proprietary information, time, and an immense amount of money to be at stake. IBM recently reported the average cost of a cybersecurity breach is over $4 million USD with the total cost to the world economy reaching $6 trillion USD.

Fortunately, taking the appropriate steps to secure your data can be simple, one of which is partnering with a reputable SaaS company. The mass exodus from hardware stored in your basement to trustworthy cloud partners is happening in many organizations. The reasons why your current communications are at risk and problematic are seldom analyzed and discussed.

Text, call, email, fax, and courier pigeon

Many organizations rely on numerous platforms to communicate mission essential information. We have interviewed around 250 governmental organizations and so far the count is 27 different apps or softwares. The more different means of communication, the higher the likelihood of data being lost or stolen.

Texting. Text messaging is a popular way government officials communicate, both within and outside their respective offices. However, texting is the least secure means of communication. It’s the most difficult to track, and unless you have a Mobile Device Manager installed, it won’t be archived for reference if needed.

Phone call. Calling someone is a simple and fast way to discuss important matters. Unfortunately, we run into many of the same issues with tracking and accountability when communicating via phone. With no paper trail, it can be hard to understand if both parties understand the goals, and if it was ever agreed upon. 

Emails (ugh…) Emails are the bane of our existence. They are very unsecure and the average office worker can receive hundreds of them a day. Then there are the notorious chain emails, which are impossible to navigate and hard to read. We’ve all received a forwarded chain email with a vague “FYI, see below”, and then spent the next 27 minutes of squinted reading to figure out what the “FYI” referred to. Not to mention more than 50% of emails sent are never even opened!

Courier Pigeon. This one is probably better than emails.

Moving communication to IRIS Systems

Using a secure communication platform, like IRIS Systems, allows for all of your communication to take place within a single cloud-based system. One of the top key findings from the Verizon Data Breach report is that investing into cloud technology is critical. As Verizon puts it, “the cloud deserves a seat at the grown-up security table and a piece of your budget pie.”

Navigating the vast amounts of cloud compliance regulations while also ensuring you are finding the right cloud partners can be intimidating. When looking for cloud softwares here are some key points to follow:

1. Communication is encrypted

2. Two Factor Authentication

3. Single Sign On functionality

4. Data control (ability to edit and delete data once sent)

5. FedRamp compliance

IRIS Systems is an encrypted communication portal and digital contact directory. We can help local governments, healthcare, and emergency management professionals move your vital communications to the cloud.

Our highly secure platform will allow you and your teams to easily connect, communicate, and collaborate with peers and colleagues in any organization, without the threat of cyber attacks or phishing scams. Reach out to us today to learn more!
